To help people to achieve a Stigma-Free Type 2 Diabetes journey.
Our Story
It is our’s strong believe that the stigma associated with being diagnosed with T2D is vastly different from the sister condition T1D. Stigma refers to the experiences of negative feelings such as exclusion, rejection, or blame due to the perceived stigmatization of having diabetes 2. The most widely reported experience of diabetes stigma (regardless of diabetes type) was the perception of having a character flaw/failure of personal responsibility (81%), followed by the
perception of being a burden on the health care system (65%). Since the classical understanding of the T2D onset and risk factors is that they are related to life stile and choices, it brings a great and unique burden, in our opinion, to the people who live with this condition.
The first step is to recognize the uniqueness of each clinical entity, and then build a community than can help to cope with the stigma associated with of T2D onset.
Our contribution to defeat Type 2 Diabetes Stigma
Let’s Work Together
Welcome to Our Podcast Series
We invite you to join our in a thoughtful discussion about our MyIDT2D Vision, our motivations and the science behind our efforts.